Statement on anti-bribery and anti-corruption Policy

At NBG we are committed to the highest standards of ethics, financial integrity and credibility. Whereas any potential implication in bribery or corruption incidents could impact our credibility and reputation negatively, we have established the Anti-Bribery and Anti-corruption Policy and Procedure of the Bank and of the Group, aiming to:

  • ensure the highest standard of ethics during the provision of services and performance of our operations
  • ensure our compliance with the current institutional and regulatory framework regarding the measures for the avoidance of bribery
  • set out specific principles and regulations for the prevention and combating of bribery and corruption throughout our transactions with individuals and with public officers (Greek or foreign)
  • provide for the vigilance of the Group’s employees, so as to enable them to recognize and avoid actions relating to bribery and corruption
  • encourage the confidential reporting of every suspicion of bribery without the fear of retaliation, through appropriate communication channels, which can safeguard the protection of the individuals and the effective investigation of the reported incidents.
  • clearly define the framework of communication and cooperation with the authorities against bribery and corruption to both internal and external interested parties
  • ensure that the Anti-bribery management System is adopted effectively in order to prevent and handle such incidents, as well as to ensure its constant optimization
  • determine the external and internal issues that relate to bribery risks and impede our ability to achieve the intended results with respect to its combating.
  • create actions and procedures that reflect the “zero tolerance” stance of the Group towards any corruption practices.

This Policy applies to all the members of strategic, auditory and executive bodies, employees, associates and temporary employees working in every business operation conducted by the Group and is applied pursuant to the legal requirements and regulations that are in force at a local level. This Policy is available to all interested parties outside the Group, in order for them to receive information on the anti-bribery and anti-corruption principles we follow.

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