Financial Crime Policy

In recognizing the need to implement effective measures for combating financial crimes, we adopt Policies that ensure our smooth and seamless operation.

The current Policies that establish the context, the main principles and the regulations for the protection of our systems and transactions with respect to the financial crimes are the following:

  • Group’s policy for the prevention and combating of money laundering and terrorist financing, the compliance to the International Financial Sanctions and the Acceptance of Customers.
  • Policy for the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing with respect to cross-border correspondent banking relations.
  • Group policy for compliance to International Financial Sanctions
  • Bank and Group Policy for Combating Bribery and Corruption

For the implementation of the aforementioned Policies we:

  • plan the appropriate procedures and Circulars for their implementation,
  • install the appropriate information systems,
  • abide by the main “Know your customer” principle,
  • conduct special preventive controls for locating weaknesses and deficiencies,
  • train and educate our personnel.

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