You can invest the amount of your choice in a contemporary option, with a one-off premium payment, aiming to achieve long-term returns in order to cover future needs such as pensions, children’s education expenses or professional obligations.
Specifically, you can:
Specifically, you get a contemporary unit-linked insurance/investment product, distributed by the bank and affiliated with BNP Paribas Asset Management investment funds. This allows you to:
It is useful to know that, as with any investment, this investment entails some risks, as there can be negative fluctuations in the prices of the share funds with which this product is linked.
Please note that this product is not registered under the relevant US legislation (U.S. Securities Act 1933) and is not available to natural or legal persons who are U.S. Citizens.
You can choose the way you want to receive the amount at maturity. More specifically, the amount at maturity is paid either as an one-time sum or in installments (fixed income or lifetime pension). In the case of a lump sum payment, the current value (number of shares x net share price) of the Premium Investment Account is paid.
Specifically, you can set the desired duration anywhere between 10 and 20 years, provided that the sum of the age of the insured at the beginning of the program and the duration of the insurance is not less than 18 years and does not exceed 75 years.
In the following documents you will find all the information you may need.
The information above is purely informative and does not replace the pre-contractual information provided under current legislation or the insurance contract and its general and specific terms. Complete pre-contractual and contractual information for the specific product is available at NBG's branch network.
The insurance plans have been set up by Ethniki General Insurance and are distributed by the branch network of National Bank of Greece SA, 86 Aiolou Street, 10559 Athens, Company Reg. No.: 311481. For more information click here.
The distribution of the insurance plans is only provided by qualified NBG staff certified to provide insurance intermediation services. The Bank is registered with the Special Register of Athens Chamber of Tradesmen under Reg. No. 1028 as an insurance agent. The Special Register data are published on the electronic platform "Single Information Point for Active Insurance Intermediaries" (https://insuranceregistry.uhc.gr/.»), where you can verify the registration at the Special Register.
See the price list and interest rates in detail.
In the event of death of the insured person before the maturity of the plan, the beneficiary (ies) will receive one of the two following amounts, whichever is higher: