The Innovation and Sustainability Committee ("ISC") was established by Board decision (meeting no. 1718/24.2.2022), following the elevation of the IT & Innovation Advisory Council (established by the Board in January 2021) to a Board Committee and the and enhancement of its duties. The purpose of the Committee is to support the Board of Directors in ensuring there is continuous monitoring and tracking of important developments and long-term trends related to Innovation, Sustainability, Information Technology, ESG and Banking, so that the Board possesses the necessary awareness of how the banking/financial sector landscape is formed and updated knowledge of the factors that can affect the formulation of the Bank’s long-term strategy, its performance/position in the market and the perception stakeholders may have about the Bank. The overall objective of the Committee is to act as an out-of-the-box thinker, explorer and incubator of innovative ideas and practices and advise the Board/its Committees as may be deemed appropriate.
The Committee is composed of a maximum number of five Board members. One member is the representative of the Hellenic Corporation of Assets and Participations (HCAP) at the Board of Directors. The members of the Committee (including its Chair and Vice-Chair) are appointed by the Board of the Bank, on the recommendation of the Corporate Governance & Nominations Committee. The Committee Chair shall be independent non-executive Board member, in accordance with the definition of independence specified in the relevant framework, particularly Article 9 of Law 4706/2020, and the Bank's Corporate Governance Code. The Committee may convene with an estimated quarterly frequency and keeps minutes of its meetings.

The Committee Charter was approved by the Board in May 2023.

Charter of the Innovation and Sustainability Committee
