National Bank of Greece S.A.

Rating Agency Long Term Issuer
Last Evaluation Date
Fitch BB (Positive) 14/12/2023
Moody's Baa2 (Stable) 8/7/2024
S&P BB+ (Positive) 4/7/2024
 DBRS   BBBL (Stable)  30/04/2024  


Covered Bonds Programme I

Rating Agency Rating
Last Evaluation Date
Moody's A1 20/9/2023


Senior Unsecured

Rating Agency Rating Last Evaluation Date
Fitch   BB 19/9/2023 
Moody's Baa2 8/7/2024
S&P BB+ 4/7/2024
DBRS    BBBL 30/04/2024  


Tier 2

Rating Agency Rating Last Evaluation Date
 Fitch  B+ 19/9/2023 
Moody's Ba2 8/7/2024
S&P B+ 4/7/2024

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